The night in which really nobody had any sex (Die Nacht, in der ganz ehrlich überhaupt niemand Sex hatte) 22 years old

A german comedy

At the party, her friend Sabine Andrea suddenly stands before her former boyfriend Eric . Again, the spark ignites . Until Eric told his old flame , which he now earns his money : He founded an agency that mediates the alibis of adulterers . Andrea is appalled . To still have a chance with her , Eric leaves a on a bet : If Sabines flagship husband student Doris resists , he gives to the agency . If Uwe however weak, Andrea has with her ex to love holiday on an island . In the end everything turns out differently...


The night in which really nobody had any sex Cast

Name Character
Rolf Kanies He was 44, now 66 years old as Berufsberater
Florian Fitz He was 34, now 56 years old as Eric
Tom Wlaschiha He was 28, now 51 years old as Stefan
Fritz Karl He was 34, now 56 years old as Lutz
Max Herbrechter He was 43, now 66 years old as Prof. Uwe Bühring
Susan Atwell as Sekretärin
Sandra Leonhard She was 25, now 47 years old as Doris
Karl Kranzkowski He was 49, now 71 years old as Hotelchef Siggi
Julia Richter She was 13, now 35 years old as Andrea

The night in which really nobody had any sex Crew

Name Department
Christoph Schrewe as Director. He was 37 (now 60) years old Directing
The night in which really nobody had any sex poster
The night in which really nobody had any sex (22 years)

A german comedy

  • Release day: Tuesday, January 01, 2002