The Three Loves (三戀) 68 years old

Li's direction and Jin Yong's script always go hand-in-hand with each other. This time, their collaboration sparks again as the film seamlessly brings three short stories together through three different segments of flashbacks. Yin Zhaozong (Bao Fong) is an amour fou falling in love with a girl much younger than him. Instead, Yu Baicheng (Fu Che) is a playboy trapped by his three girlfriends. The bartender (Chiao Chuang), however, tells them how he and his wife are blessed by true love. The film not only displays Li's sensitivity to narrative structure but also his ability to cast the most suited actors for their respective roles, as such Mao Mei had a chance to demonstrate her dance talent for her debut in this movie.


The Three Loves Cast

Name Character
Betty Loh Tih

The Three Loves Crew

Name Department
Louis Cha as Screenplay. He was 31 (94) years old when He died Writing
The Three Loves poster
The Three Loves (68 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, January 01, 1956
  • Runtime: 98 minutes