The Woman Under Oath 105 years old

After a forward introduces the question of whether women are temperamentally suited for jury duty, Jim O'Neil, a young shipping clerk, is found holding a revolver over his dead employer, Edward Knox. The celebrated novelist Grace Norton, selected to be on the jury at Jim's trial, becomes the first woman juror in New York.


The Woman Under Oath Cast

Name Character
May McAvoy She was 19, 84 years old when she died as Edith Norton
Tom McGuire He was 45, 80 years old when he died as District Attorney
Florence Reed She was 36, 84 years old when she died as Grace Norton
Gareth Hughes He was 24, 71 years old when he died as Jim O'Neil

The Woman Under Oath Crew

Name Department
John M. Stahl as Director. He was 33 (63) years old when He died Directing
The Woman Under Oath poster
The Woman Under Oath (105 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, June 29, 1919
  • Runtime: 75 minutes