The Wizard's Daughter (Tjuvarnas jul: Trollkarlens dotter) 9 years old

Rejoining the orphan Charlie in this stand alone film. Now he has a family with Gerda and Kurre. But when Gerda gets a child of her own, Charlies happiness feels threaten. A fair is in town and the family visits it, Charlie meets a wizard who shows her the tricks to a new world, but the wizards holds more darker secrets up his sleeve.


The Wizard's Daughter Cast

Name Character
Gustaf Hammarsten He was 47, now 57 years old as Kurre
Göran Forsmark He was 59, now 69 years old as Jansson
Gustaf Skarsgård He was 34, now 43 years old as Trollkarlen
Thomas Hedengran He was 49, now 59 years old as Jönsson
Elisabet Carlsson She was 46, now 56 years old as Gerda

The Wizard's Daughter Crew

Name Department
The Wizard's Daughter poster
The Wizard's Daughter (9 years)

  • Release day: Friday, November 14, 2014
  • Runtime: 90 minutes