Toilet 105 14 years old

Every bathroom is haunted

Three friends who are also playboys are students of SMU Bina Persada. Okta, Ical and Rio openly approach Marsya, a transfer student from France. Mrs. Endang, the principal of the school repeatedly reminds the students to accept Marsya as one of the students, assisted by her husband, Mr Wahyu, who is a counseling teacher. Marsya’s innocence often lands her in trouble but one thing that bothered her most is the appearance of a female ghost at the school toilet. Does the ghost have any connection with the disappearance of Adelia some time ago? What is the real hidden secret?


Toilet 105 Cast

Name Character
Coralie Gerald as Marsya
Ricky Chilnady Pratama Harun He was 23, now 37 years old as Okta

Toilet 105 Crew

Name Department
Toilet 105 poster
Toilet 105 (14 years)

Every bathroom is haunted

  • Release day: Thursday, January 14, 2010
  • Runtime: 80 minutes