Transfer 18 years old

An all girl snowboarding movie

"Transfer", an all girl snowboarding DVD documents and encapsulates the dramatic upsurge in the standards of female riding in the sport, as well as detailing some of the personalities involved. This second instalment from the Chunkyknit team features more jaw-dropping riding from the hottest talents in the world of women's snowboarding. While last year's Dropstitch set the tone, making snowboarding finally sit up and take note of the superb range of skills at the Chunkyknit team's disposal, Transfer proves that the top female riders are going faster, bigger and harder than ever before. Join them as they tour from Iceland and Japan to Russia, North America and Europe. Watch out fellas, these ladies mean business!


Transfer Cast

Name Character
Stine Brun Kjeldaas She was 30, now 49 years old
victoria jealouse
Lesley McKenna She was 30, now 49 years old
Kjersti Buaas She was 23, now 42 years old
Lisa Wiik She was 25, now 44 years old
Molly Milligan
Tina Birbaum
Lisa Filzmoser
Laura Berry
Cheryl Maas She was 20, now 39 years old
Erin Valverde
Jenny Jones She was 25, now 44 years old

Transfer Crew

Name Department
Transfer (18 years)

An all girl snowboarding movie

  • Release day: Thursday, August 11, 2005
  • Runtime: 45 minutes