Tube Tales 25 years old

Tube Tales

Nine short stories based on the true experiences of London Underground passengers: "Mr. Cool" (Amy Jenkins, dir.); "Horny" (Stephen Hopkins); "Grasshopper" (Menhaj Huda); "My Father the Liar" (Bob Hoskins); "Bone" (Ewan McGregor); "Mouth" (Armando Iannucci); "A Bird in the Hand" (Jude Law); "Rosebud" (Gaby Dellal); "Steal Away" (Charles McDougall)


Tube Tales Cast

Name Character
Jason Flemyng He was 32, now 57 years old
Simon Pegg He was 28, now 54 years old as Clerk
Rachel Weisz She was 28, now 54 years old as Angela (segment "Rosebud")
Kelly Macdonald She was 22, now 48 years old
Carmen Ejogo She was 25, now 50 years old
Jim Carter He was 50, now 76 years old
Ray Winstone He was 41, now 67 years old
Preeya Kalidas She was 18, now 44 years old
Liz Smith She was 77, 95 years old when she died as Old Lady (segment "Horny")
Ian Puleston-Davies He was 40, now 66 years old
Dexter Fletcher He was 32, now 58 years old
Ray Panthaki He was 19, now 45 years old
Hans Matheson He was 23, now 49 years old
Edna Doré She was 77, 92 years old when she died
Tom Bell He was 65, 73 years old when he died
Joe Duttine He was 28, now 54 years old
Richard Jobson He was 38, now 63 years old
Don Warrington was 47, now 73 years old
Dominic Holland He was 31, now 57 years old
Emma Cunniffe She was 25, now 51 years old
Alicya Eyo She was 23, now 48 years old
Mazhar Munir
Denise van Outen She was 24, now 50 years old
Clint Dyer He was 30, now 55 years old

Tube Tales Crew

Name Department
Stephen Hopkins as Director. He was 41 (now 66) years old Directing
Ewan McGregor as Director. He was 27 (now 53) years old Directing
Jude Law as Director. He was 26 (now 51) years old Directing
Menhaj Huda as Director. He was 31 (now 57) years old Directing
Charles McDougall as Director. He was 1 (now 24) years old Directing
Gaby Dellal as Director. She was 38 (now 63) years old Directing
Ed Allen (TV host) as Writer. He was 72 (now 97) years old Writing
Tube Tales poster
Tube Tales (25 years)

  • Release day: Friday, January 01, 1999
  • Runtime: 84 minutes