Twilight: Los Angeles 24 years old

Anna Deavere Smith transforms herself into scores of individuals -- using only their words and duplicating their speech patterns, mannerisms, dress, and attitudes -- in a mosaic set in the violent aftermath of the 1992 Rodney King trial and verdict. These verbatim portrayals bring together adversaries, victims, eyewitnesses, and observers who have never stood within the same four walls, let alone spoken to each other. In her signature performance style, Smith embodies and gives voice to scores of real-life "characters" -- from LAPD Police Chief Daryl Gates to a gang member, from Korean store owners to a white juror, from Reginald Denny to Congresswoman Maxine Waters -- black, white, Asian, Latino. Because she is able to speak the words and convey the deeply held sentiments of so many different people, Smith enables her audience members to hear what they might otherwise discount.


Twilight: Los Angeles Cast

Name Character
Anna Deavere Smith She was 50, now 74 years old

Twilight: Los Angeles Crew

Name Department
Ezra Swerdlow as Producer. She was 47 (64) years old when She died Production
Maryse Alberti as Director of Photography. She was 46 (now 70) years old Camera
Camara Kambon as Original Music Composer. Sound
Joan Churchill as Director of Photography. Camera
Anna Deavere Smith as Producer. She was 50 (now 74) years old Production
Anna Deavere Smith as Screenplay. She was 50 (now 74) years old Writing
Marc Levin as Director. He was 49 (now 73) years old Directing
Bob Eisenhardt as Editor. Editing
Twilight: Los Angeles poster
Twilight: Los Angeles (24 years)

  • Release day: Friday, September 29, 2000
  • Runtime: 76 minutes