U2: 18 Videos 17 years old

U218 Videos is a music video compilation DVD by U2 from 2006, released the same day as its compilation album, U218 Singles. The compilation features their most popular videos from "New Year's Day" in 1983 to "The Saints Are Coming" in 2006. The DVD features videos from the band's two previous music video compilations, The Best of 1980–1990 and The Best of 1990–2000, as well as several videos that have never been previously released. The main section of the DVD contains 19 videos, including two videos for both "Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of" and "Walk On." The DVD also contains bonus material with two documentaries, The Making of "Vertigo" and A Story of One, as well as seven additional music videos.


U2: 18 Videos Cast

Name Character
Larry Mullen, Jr. He was 45, now 62 years old
The Edge He was 45, now 63 years old
Bono He was 46, now 64 years old
U2 was 30, now 48 years old

U2: 18 Videos Crew

Name Department
U2: 18 Videos poster
U2: 18 Videos (17 years)

  • Release day: Friday, November 17, 2006
  • Runtime: 149 minutes