Gallows for Two (Vešala za dvoje) 28 years old

A dark comedy/western about the showdown of two love couples on hangers, on for adultery. Re-examining the Balkan and Hollywood myths and magic, the movie is set in 1897 and situated around gallows in the Wild West.


Gallows for Two Cast

Name Character
Elizabeta Đorevska She was 63, now 63 years old
Feđa Stojanović He was 76, now 76 years old
Mihajlo 'Bata' Paskaljević He was 101, 81 years old when he died
Erol Kadić He was 69, now 69 years old

Gallows for Two Crew

Name Department
Uroš Stojanović as Director. He was 51 (44) years old when He died Directing
Uroš Stojanović as Writer. He was 51 (44) years old when He died Writing
Gallows for Two poster
Gallows for Two (28 years)

  • Release day: Monday, January 01, 1996
  • Runtime: 15 minutes