Long Live Madrid, Which Is My Town! (¡Viva Madrid, que es mi pueblo!) 96 years old

The bullfighter Marcial Lalanda financed and starred in this film about the rivalry between two bullfighters for the ill-fated love of the same woman. It features scenes of bullfights shot by Enrique Blanco using polychromatic film for the first time in Spain. Considered one of the greatest Spanish silent films.


Long Live Madrid, Which Is My Town! Cast

Name Character
Eduardo García Maroto He was 24, 85 years old when he died
Florencia Bécquer She was 17, 83 years old when she died
Faustino Bretaño He was 33, 83 years old when he died
Javier de Rivera He was 26, now 122 years old

Long Live Madrid, Which Is My Town! Crew

Name Department
Long Live Madrid, Which Is My Town! poster
Long Live Madrid, Which Is My Town! (96 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, January 01, 1928
  • Runtime: 163 minutes