Vuelven las calaveras del terror 79 years old

Social Justice Warriors. On Horseback. Wearing Dia de los Muertos costumes. Originally produced as a six-hour collection of serial chapters (1943), then edited down (1944) into a 3-hour feature... then re-released (1950s?) as two 90-minute features. The first one seems to have disappeared, this is the second one.


Vuelven las calaveras del terror Cast

Name Character
Pedro Armendáriz He was 32, 51 years old when he died
Tito Junco He was 0, 59 years old when he died
Armando Soto La Marina He was 34, 73 years old when he died
Víctor Junco He was 27, 71 years old when he died
Carlos Múzquiz
Agustín Isunza He was 44, 77 years old when he died
Crox Alvarado He was 34, 73 years old when he died

Vuelven las calaveras del terror Crew

Name Department
Fernando Méndez as Director. He was 40 (now 39) years old Directing
Vuelven las calaveras del terror (79 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, September 17, 1944
  • Runtime: 90 minutes