Wellstone! 19 years old

Paul Wellstone was the charismatic Minnesota progressive who used grassroots organizing to get elected and give ordinary people a stake in government. His 3rd election campaign was cut short when his small plane crashed into the north woods of Minnesota just 11 days before the 2002 election. Wellstone! explores the origin of his politics, his controversial road to the United States Senate, his deep bond with his wife and 'co-senator' Sheila, and the legacy of a life of progressive populism.


Wellstone! Cast

Name Character
Al Franken He was 53, now 73 years old as Self
Jane Kaczmarek She was 48, now 68 years old as Narrator

Wellstone! Crew

Name Department
Wellstone! poster
Wellstone! (19 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, October 17, 2004
  • Runtime: 90 minutes