What Fun We Were Having: 4 Stories About Date Rape 13 years old

An anthology film consisting of four segments, entitled "Hot Boys", "The Sleep Creep", "The Meat Man" and "Silver Bullets", each obliquely dramatizing an incident of sexual assault. The four stories take place in the same small American town on four different holidays: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine's Day.


What Fun We Were Having: 4 Stories About Date Rape Cast

Name Character
Lane Hughes He was 21, now 35 years old
AJ Bowen He was 33, now 46 years old
Brandon Carroll He was 59, now 73 years old
Hannah Hughes
Joe Swanberg He was 29, now 43 years old

What Fun We Were Having: 4 Stories About Date Rape Crew

Name Department
Adam Wingard as Cinematography. He was 28 (now 41) years old Crew
Adam Wingard as Director. He was 28 (now 41) years old Directing
Adam Wingard as Editor. He was 28 (now 41) years old Editing
Adam Wingard as Writer. He was 28 (now 41) years old Writing
Simon Barrett as Writer. He was 33 (now 46) years old Writing
E.L. Katz as Writer. He was 29 (now 43) years old Writing
What Fun We Were Having: 4 Stories About Date Rape poster
What Fun We Were Having: 4 Stories About Date Rape (13 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, July 27, 2011
  • Runtime: 80 minutes