What Love Sees 27 years old

Jean Treadway, a beautiful young girl in her twenties, comes from a world of wealth and privilege. Gordon Holly is a handsome but humble rancher, the pride of his small town and honest to a fault. But they share something which makes the love that blossoms between them all the more pure and intense, they are both totally blind.


What Love Sees Cast

Name Character
Romy Rosemont She was 31, now 59 years old as Lucy Treadway
Kathleen Noone She was 51, now 79 years old as Sarah Treadway
Edward Herrmann He was 53, 71 years old when he died as Morton Treadway
August Schellenberg He was 60, 77 years old when he died as Earl
Richard Thomas He was 45, now 73 years old as Gordon Holly
Courtland Mead He was 9, now 37 years old as Hap Holly
Trever O'Brien He was 12, now 40 years old as Gordy Holly
Cody McMains He was 10, now 38 years old as Billy Holly
Annabeth Gish She was 25, now 53 years old as Jean Treadway Holly

What Love Sees Crew

Name Department
Michael Switzer as Director. He was 48 (now 76) years old Directing
What Love Sees poster
What Love Sees (27 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, September 22, 1996
  • Runtime: 85 minutes