Where Do We Go from Here? 79 years old

Bill wants to join the Army, but he's 4F so he asks a wizard to help him, but the wizard has slight problems with his history knowlege, so he sends Bill everywhere in history, but not to WWII.


Where Do We Go from Here? Cast

Name Character
Rory Calhoun He was 22, 76 years old when he died as Soldier Leaving Canteen (uncredited)
Anthony Quinn He was 30, 86 years old when he died as Chief Badger
Joan Leslie She was 20, 90 years old when she died as Sally Smith / Prudence / Katrina
Otto Preminger He was 39, 80 years old when he died as General Rahl (uncredited)
Fred MacMurray He was 36, 83 years old when he died as Bill Morgan
Howard Freeman He was 49, 72 years old when he died as Kreiger
Fortunio Bonanova He was 50, 74 years old when he died as Christopher Columbus
June Haver She was 18, 79 years old when she died as Lucilla Powell / Gretchen / Indian
Herman Bing He was 56, 57 years old when he died as Hessian Col. / Von Heisel
Alan Mowbray He was 48, 72 years old when he died as General George Washington
Gene Sheldon He was 37, 74 years old when he died as Ali the Genie
Carlos Ramírez He was 28, 70 years old when he died as Benito

Where Do We Go from Here? Crew

Name Department
Thomas Little as Set Decoration. He was 58 (98) years old when He died Art
Morrie Ryskind as Screenplay. He was 49 (89) years old when He died Writing
Morrie Ryskind as Story. He was 49 (89) years old when He died Writing
Bonnie Cashin as Costume Design. She was 29 (84) years old when She died Costume & Make-Up
William Perlberg as Producer. He was 44 (68) years old when He died Production
J. Watson Webb, Jr. as Editor. He was 29 (84) years old when He died Editing
Gregory Ratoff as Director. He was 48 (63) years old when He died Directing
Sig Herzig as Story. He was 47 (87) years old when He died Writing
Leland Fuller as Art Direction. He was 46 (63) years old when He died Art
Where Do We Go from Here? poster
Where Do We Go from Here? (79 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, May 23, 1945
  • Runtime: 74 minutes