Wild Flowers (ワイルド フラワーズ) 20 years old

Real pro wrestlers Mizuho Ishikawa, Cutie Suzuki and Emi Tojyo star alongside newcomer Miki Suzuki as the women tag teams, and they are managed reluctantly by Yoshinori Okada, forced to take over as manager of his mom's struggling female wrestling team.


Wild Flowers Cast

Name Character
Yoshinori Okada He was 27, now 47 years old
Houka Kinoshita
Atsuko Takahata She was 49, now 69 years old
Akaji Maro He was 61, now 81 years old
Tsugumi She was 28, now 48 years old
Magy He was 31, now 52 years old
Satoshi Nikaido He was 38, now 58 years old

Wild Flowers Crew

Name Department
Takashi Komatsu as Director. He was 36 (now 56) years old Directing
Wild Flowers poster
Wild Flowers (20 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, April 17, 2004
  • Runtime: 127 minutes