WWE Hall of Fame: Jesse Ventura 12 years old

Colorful and influential Superstar. Groundbreaking television commentator. Navy SEAL and Vietnam veteran. Governor of Minnesota. Jesse Ventura has been all these things during his amazing career. His election in 1998 was the political news story of the year, and from 1999 to 2002, he was one of the most-talked-about public figures in America. Prior to that, of course, "The Body" made his name punishing opponents on the mat and trash-talking on the mic.


WWE Hall of Fame: Jesse Ventura Cast

Name Character
Gene Okerlund He was 69, 76 years old when he died as Host
Jesse Ventura He was 60, now 73 years old as Himself

WWE Hall of Fame: Jesse Ventura Crew

Name Department
WWE Hall of Fame: Jesse Ventura poster
WWE Hall of Fame: Jesse Ventura (12 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, January 01, 2012
  • Runtime: 60 minutes