WWF: Stone Cold Steve Austin: What? 22 years old

Stone Cold helps Vince McMahon forget about all his troubles! Stone Cold and Triple H clash at "No Way Out." Stone Cold opens a can of whoop-@ss at "WrestleMania X-7," "Raw," and "Summerslam." Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Stone Cold sits down with J.R. to drink a beer, talk about The Rock, WrestleMania, guitar playing, Triple H, Vince McMahon, & the birth of "What?" DVD special features include two extra matches and the birth of "3:16" and five additional interviews.


WWF: Stone Cold Steve Austin: What? Cast

Name Character
Dwayne Johnson He was 29, now 52 years old as The Rock
Steve Austin He was 37, now 59 years old as Stone Cold Steve Austin
Paul Michael Lévesque He was 32, now 54 years old as Triple H
Vince McMahon He was 56, now 78 years old as Himself
Kurt Angle He was 33, now 55 years old as Himself

WWF: Stone Cold Steve Austin: What? Crew

Name Department
Kevin Dunn as Director. He was 45 (now 68) years old Directing
WWF: Stone Cold Steve Austin: What? (22 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, April 30, 2002
  • Runtime: 140 minutes