Yellowstone 30 years old

Everything else is just a movie.

See Yellowstone National Park: Grizzlies, geysers, rivers, canyons and, of course, moose. The history of Yellowstone National Park is vividly portrayed in this memorable film, from the Tukudika Tribe, the earliest known inhabitants, to the early explorers including John Colter, a member of the Lewis & Clark party. Also portrayed are Wilson Hunt, who deemed the west unfit for habitation, Father Francis Kuppens, a Jesuit priest in pursuit of native souls, and the Washburn Expedition, instrumental in establishing Yellowstone as America’s first national park.

Yellowstone poster
Yellowstone (30 years)

Everything else is just a movie.

  • Release day: Tuesday, August 02, 1994
  • Runtime: 32 minutes