Show122448 people Sort by Popularity Name Age Height Net Worth ASC DESC Go All Women Men Bible Translator Showing 0 to 30 people Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, 76 Serbian writer Louis-Isaac Lemaistre de Sacy, 71 Translated bible into French Kenneth Crosby, 94 British Missionary Ferdinand Kittel, 71 Missionary John Spenser, 55 English Bible translator Frank E. Gaebelein, 83 Scholar and founder of The Stony Brook School Hermann Mögling, 70 Hiram Bingham I, 80 American Protestant missionary to the Hawaiian islands Samuel Cahen, 65 French writer Hiram Bingham II, 77 American missionary Karl Edvard Laman, 77 Swedish missionary and ethnographer Karl Wilhelm Isenberg, 58 German missionary « Previous Next » Bible Translator Movie Actor Soccer Player DJ Rapper Politician TV Actress Photographer Model Pop Singer Instagram Star YouTube Star TikTok Star