Home People Ades Zabel Ades Zabel movies Ades Zabel movies Ades Zabel Movies (14) My Wonderful West Berlin (2017) He was 53 years old When Edith's Bells Toll (2016) As Edith Schröder / Emma Wuttke. He was 53 years old When Edith's Bells Toll (2016) As Director. He was 53 years old The Founder (2012) As Gina Gaydt. He was 49 years old Heißes Blut oder Vivienne del Vargos' letzter Vorhang (2006) As Norman Voigt. He was 42 years old 18.15 Uhr ab Ostkreuz (2006) As Karin Hoene/Hürriyet Lachmann. He was 42 years old Fucking Different (2005) As Director. He was 41 years old Mutti - Der Film (2003) As Mutti. He was 39 years old Mutti - Der Film (2003) As Director. He was 39 years old Killer Condom (1999) As Transvestit (in Hotel Quickie). He was 35 years old Fascinating Doll's House (1987) He was 23 years old Der Gollob (1983) He was 19 years old Ogar - the Ugly (1981) He was 17 years old On the Other Side of the Screen: 100 Years of Moviemento Cinema (1969)