Home People Barry Stokes Barry Stokes movies Barry Stokes movies Barry Stokes Movies (10) Enemy Mine (1985) As Huck. He was 41 years old Romance on the Orient Express (1985) As Flavio. He was 41 years old Fanny Hill (1983) As Charles. He was 39 years old Rendezvous in Paris (1982) As Frank Davies. He was 38 years old Hawk the Slayer (1980) As Axe Man 2. He was 36 years old Spaced Out (1981) As Oliver. He was 37 years old Lady Oscar (1979) As André Grandier. He was 35 years old Prey (1977) As Anderson. He was 33 years old The Ups and Downs of a Handyman (1976) As Bob. He was 32 years old The Corruption of Chris Miller (1973) As Barney Webster. He was 29 years old