Home People Candy Wen Xue-Er Candy Wen Xue-Er movies Candy Wen Xue-Er movies Candy Wen Xue-Er Movies (17) Traces of the Heart (1990) As Hua. Devil Hunters (1989) Holy Flame of the Martial World (1983) As Snake boy. Ode to Gallantry (1982) As Dingding Dangdang. Lovers Blades (1982) As Quarreling wife. The Brave Archer and His Mate (1982) As Fu Er. The Emperor and His Brother (1981) As Chou Qi. The Sword Stained with Royal Blood (1981) As Wen Ching-Ching. Two Champions of Shaolin (1980) As Erh Wan. Tiger Over Wall (1980) The Master (1980) As Master Shi's daughter. The Cheeky Chap (1980) As Chin aka Phoenix. Crazy Horse & Intelligent Monkey (1980) The Proud Twins (1979) As Tieh Sin Nan. Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre II (1978) As Yan Li/Chu Er. Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre (1978) As Yan Li/Chu Er. Swordsman and Enchantress (1978) As Little Lord.