Home People Drake Silliman Drake Silliman movies Drake Silliman movies Drake Silliman Movies (13) The Party Is Over (2015) As Editor. He was 63 years old Doonby (2013) As Editor. He was 62 years old Deadly Sibling Rivalry (2011) As Editor. He was 60 years old Relative Chaos (2006) As Editor. He was 55 years old Hello Sister, Goodbye Life (2006) As Editor. He was 54 years old Blood Crime (2002) As Editor. He was 51 years old The Christmas Shoes (2002) As Editor. He was 50 years old A Town Without Christmas (2001) As Editor. He was 50 years old Tremors 3: Back to Perfection (2001) As Editor. He was 50 years old Deliberate Intent (2000) As Editor. He was 49 years old Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1998) As Editor. He was 46 years old The Man Who Captured Eichmann (1996) As Editor. He was 45 years old Beyond Suspicion (1993) As Editor. He was 42 years old