Home People Horst Krause Horst Krause shows Horst Krause shows Horst Krause TV Shows (45) Unter den Linden – Das Haus Gravenhorst (2006) As Hugo Olearius, He was 64 years old Commissario Laurenti (2006) As Questore, He was 64 years old Typisch Sophie (2004) As Werner Blatter, He was 62 years old Typisch Mann! (2004) As Herr Pröpke, He was 62 years old Bewegte Männer (2003) As Ein Blinder, He was 61 years old Grains and Dog (2002) As Clemens Haslinger, He was 60 years old Edel & Starck (2002) As Richard Huber, He was 60 years old Ritas Welt (1999) As Helmut Blattgerste, He was 57 years old The Shop (1998) He was 56 years old Das Amt (1997) He was 55 years old Stubbe – Von Fall zu Fall (1995) He was 53 years old Für alle Fälle Stefanie (1995) As Kioskpächter Geppert, He was 53 years old Für alle Fälle Stefanie (1995) As Geppert, He was 53 years old Für alle Fälle Stefanie (1995) As Erwin Strunzke, He was 53 years old Balko (1995) As Pilz, He was 53 years old Balko (1995) As General Schneider, He was 53 years old Alfredissimo! - Kochen mit Bio (1994) He was 53 years old Im Namen des Gesetzes (1994) As Richard Welter, He was 52 years old A strong Tream (1994) As Wiegand, He was 52 years old A strong Tream (1994) He was 52 years old A strong Tream (1994) As Stankovicz, He was 52 years old Bella Block (1994) As Lothar Fromm, He was 52 years old Evelyn Hamanns Geschichten aus dem Leben (1993) As Fluggast, He was 51 years old Spreewaldfamilie (1990) As Dieter, He was 48 years old Der Landarzt (1987) As Herr Breitner, He was 45 years old Großstadtrevier (1986) As Karim Histedt, He was 44 years old Zahn um Zahn (1985) As Herr Kupke, He was 43 years old Polizeiruf 110 (1971) As Hauptmeister Horst Krause, He was 29 years old Polizeiruf 110 (1971) As Hauptwachtmeister Horst Krause, He was 29 years old Polizeiruf 110 (1971) As Polizeihauptmeister Horst Krause, He was 29 years old Polizeiruf 110 (1971) As Krause, He was 29 years old Polizeiruf 110 (1971) As Horst Krause, He was 29 years old Polizeiruf 110 (1971) As Revierpolizist Krause, He was 29 years old Polizeiruf 110 (1971) As Dorfpolizist, He was 29 years old Polizeiruf 110 (1971) As Polizeihauptmeister Krause, He was 29 years old Polizeiruf 110 (1971) As Dorfpolizist Krause, He was 29 years old Polizeiruf 110 (1971) As Leutnant Schön, He was 29 years old Scene of the Crime (1970) As Behrens, He was 28 years old Scene of the Crime (1970) He was 28 years old Der Staatsanwalt hat das Wort (1965) As Türsteher, He was 23 years old Der Staatsanwalt hat das Wort (1965) As Herr Lorenz, He was 23 years old Der Staatsanwalt hat das Wort (1965) As Wolfgang Hartkopf, He was 23 years old Der Staatsanwalt hat das Wort (1965) As Frieder Klaputh, He was 23 years old Der Staatsanwalt hat das Wort (1965) As Busfahrer, He was 23 years old German Film Awards (1951) As himself, He was 9 years old