Home People Kirk Tougas Kirk Tougas movies Kirk Tougas movies Kirk Tougas Movies (16) The Rankin File: Legacy of a Radical (2018) As Cinematography. He was 69 years old Bevel Up (2015) As Cinematography. He was 66 years old Crazywater (2013) As Cinematography. He was 64 years old Tracks Across Sand (2012) As Cinematography. He was 63 years old The Green Chain (1969) As Cinematography. The Corporation (2004) As Director of Photography. He was 55 years old Obâchan's Garden (2003) As Director of Photography. He was 54 years old Shadow Chasers (2000) As Camera Operator. He was 51 years old Double Happiness (1995) As Still Photographer. He was 46 years old Concision: No Time for New Ideas (1994) As Cinematography. He was 45 years old A Propaganda Model of the Media Plus Exploring Alternative Media (1994) As Cinematography. He was 45 years old A Case Study: Cambodia and East Timor (1994) As Cinematography. He was 45 years old Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media (1993) As Cinematography. He was 44 years old Did You Used to Be R.D. Laing? (1989) As Director. He was 40 years old The Politics of Perception (1973) As Director. He was 24 years old The Politics of Perception (1973) As Editor. He was 24 years old