Home People Rodolfo Bigotti Rodolfo Bigotti movies Rodolfo Bigotti movies Rodolfo Bigotti Movies (11) On My Skin (2018) As Agente - Fatebenefratelli. He was 62 years old Con le unghie e con i denti (2004) He was 47 years old State buoni se potete (1983) As Cirifischio. He was 27 years old Daughter of the Jungle (1982) As Ringo. He was 26 years old Lion of the Desert (1981) As Ismail. He was 25 years old A Man on His Knees (1979) As il figlio del pentito. He was 23 years old Dove vai in vacanza? (1979) As Fulvio (episodio "Sarò tutta per te"). He was 23 years old The High School Student in the Repeating Class (1978) As Carlo. He was 22 years old The Teasers (1975) As Billy. He was 19 years old Crescete e moltiplicatevi (1973) He was 17 years old The Dead Are Alive (1972) As Motorcyclist. He was 16 years old