Home People Stephan Schuh Stephan Schuh movies Stephan Schuh movies Stephan Schuh Movies (11) Leberkäsjunkie (2019) As Director of Photography. He was 50 years old Ein Schnupfen hätte auch gereicht (2017) As Director of Photography. He was 48 years old Der Chef ist tot (2016) As Cinematography. He was 47 years old Help, I Shrunk My Teacher (2015) As Cinematography. He was 46 years old Agent Ranjid rettet die Welt (2012) As Director of Photography. He was 43 years old Flaschendrehen (2011) As Cinematography. He was 42 years old Night of the Living Dorks (2006) As Director of Photography. He was 37 years old (T)Raumschiff Surprise - Periode 1 (2004) As Director of Photography. He was 35 years old Der letzte Lude (2003) As Director of Photography. He was 34 years old Fire, Ice & Canned Beer (2002) As Director of Photography. He was 33 years old Die Bademeister – Weiber, saufen, Leben retten (1999) As Director of Photography. He was 30 years old