Home People Sunny Chan Sunny Chan shows Sunny Chan shows Sunny Chan TV Shows (14) Curse of the Royal Harem (2011) As Emperor Daoguang, He was 44 years old Ghost Writer (2010) He was 43 years old A Chip Off the Old Block (2009) He was 42 years old The Greatness of a Hero (2008) He was 41 years old Legend of the Demigods (2008) He was 41 years old Phoenix Rising (2007) He was 40 years old War and Destiny (2007) As Poon Sai Cheung, He was 40 years old Just Love (2005) He was 38 years old Placebo Cure (1969) At the Threshold of an Era (1999) As Michael Hui, He was 32 years old Secret of the Heart (1998) He was 31 years old Once Upon a Time in Shanghai (1996) He was 29 years old Yellowthread Street (1990) He was 23 years old ICAC Investigators (1976) He was 9 years old