École normale supérieure

People from École normale supérieure


Name Title
Pierre Gaxotte French historian
Maurice Besnier French historian
Robert Hertz French sociologist
Étienne Moreau-Nélaton French painter
Jean-Louis Verdier French mathematician
Jean Leclant Egyptologist
Bernard Derrida French physicist
Pierre Victor Auger French physicist
Jean Chazy French astronomer and mathematician
François Lescun
Jean-Yves Tadié French writer
Charles Larmore American philosopher
Jean Beaufret French philosopher
Ngo Bao Chau Mathematician
André Lalande French general
Adolphe Perraud Catholic cardinal
Ferdinand André Fouqué French geologist
René Massigli French diplomat
Maurice Merleau-Ponty Philosopher
Pierre Vilar Historian
Émile Mâle French art historian
Daniel Chalonge French astronomer
René Doumic
Pierre Lelong French mathematician
Jean Haudry
Pierre Bertaux
Émile Masqueray French linguist and anthropologist
Henri Bresc
Jean-Loup Waldspurger French mathematician
Félix Mesnil zoologist biologist
André-Jean Festugière Philosopher
Victor Delbos French historian and philosopher
Jean-Pierre Kahane French mathematician
Édouard Goursat French mathematician
Maurice Blondel French philosopher
Alfred Mathieu Giard French zoologist
Désiré André French mathematician
Alexander Grothendieck Mathematician
Louis Chevalier French historian
Jean Wahl French philosopher
Albert Mathiez French historian
Jean Leray French mathematician
Georges Chapouthier French neuroscientist and philosopher
Clément Rosset philosopher and writer
Benny Lévy French philosopher
André-Louis Danjon French astronomer
François Simiand French academic
Édouard Hervé French politician
Gilbert Lazard French linguist
Yves Couder

École normale supérieure (0 years)
  • Inception: