University of Bonn

People from University of Bonn


Name Title
Wolfgang Helbig German archaeologist
Wolfgang Ischinger German diplomat
Wolfgang Menzel German poet
Zoltán Balog (footballer) footballer
Franz Anton Menge German entomologist
Franz Boas America anthropologist
Franz Bücheler German scholar
Franz Christian Boll
Franz Cramer British musician
Franz Eilhard Schulze German anatomist and zoologist
Franz Gerhard Wegeler German physician
Franz Heinrich Reusch German academic
Franz Skutsch German philologist
Freya von Moltke
Friedbert Pflüger German politician
Friedemann Mattern
Friedrich Albrecht zu Eulenburg German diplomat
Friedrich Blass German classical scholar
Friedrich Daniel von Recklinghausen German pathologist
Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle German physician
Friedrich Leo German philologist
Friedrich Merz German politician
Friedrich Ostermann German Catholic Auxilliary Bishop of Münster
Friedrich Paulsen German philosopher
Friedrich Spielhagen German novelist
Friedrich von Duhn
Günter Verheugen German politician
Günther van Well German diplomat
G. Stanley Hall American psychologist
Gabriele Heinen-Kljajic German politician
Georg Curtius German philologist
Georg Loeschcke German archaeologist
Georg Perthes German surgeon
Georg Weerth German writer
Paul Clemen German art historian Provinzialkonservator in the Rhine province
Paul Güssfeldt German geologist mountaineer and explorer
Paul Heyse German writer
Paul Lorenzen German mathematician and philosopher
Paul Moldenhauer
Peter Ernst von Lasaulx German philologist and politician
Peter Frankenberg
Peter Liese German politician
Peter Müller (politician)
Dieter Fox German roboticist
Dimitrie Sturdza Prime Minister of Romania
Roger Willemsen German author
Romano Guardini
Ronald Jensen American logician
Rudolf G. Wagner German sinologist
Rudolf Scharping German politician

University of Bonn (0 years)
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