Barking! 19 years old

Barking! is a British children's TV series that produced two series between 2004 & 2005. The show was originally broadcast on ITV1's children's slot CITV. It stars Katy McGowan as Jezza, a teenage girl with a talking dog named Georgie, voiced by Will Mellor. Other major characters in the show included Jezza's mother, Pippa, her stepbrothers Dan and Ollie, and her stepfather, Greg.



Name Character
David Walliams He was 33 , now 53 years old
Kate Magowan She was 29 , now 49 years old
Will Mellor He was 28 , now 48 years old


Name Job title
Barking! (19 years)

Returning Series

  • First Air Date: 2004-11-18
  • Runtime: [25] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 6