Bob & Doug 15 years old

Bob and Doug is a Canadian animated sitcom, which premiered on Global on April 19, 2009. The series is a revival of the SCTV sketch characters Bob and Doug McKenzie. The first season consisted of 10 episodes. The show was produced by Animax Entertainment. The first season premiered on April 19, 2009 and held the first season finale on June 29, 2009. A short second season of "five secret episodes" has since aired in sporadic form. The show was originally planned for development by Fox in the United States.



Name Character
Rick Moranis He was 56 , now 71 years old as Bob McKenzie
Jayne Eastwood She was 62 , now 78 years old
Neil Crone He was 48 , now 64 years old
Patrick McKenna He was 140 , 73 years old when he died
Dave Thomas He was 59 , now 75 years old
Colin Mochrie He was 51 , now 67 years old
Maurice LaMarche He was 51 , now 66 years old


Name Job title
Bob & Doug poster
Bob & Doug (15 years)


  • First Air Date: 2009-04-19
  • Runtime: [30,22] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 10