Brotherly Love 24 years old

Brotherly Love is a 1999 sitcom starring Gregor Fisher and James Fleet. The show was made in Scotland and similar to Last of the Summer Wine. Recently, it has been aired in the United States on various PBS stations as part of 'One Season Wonders.'



Name Character
James Fleet He was 48 , now 72 years old
June Watson
Caroline Langrishe She was 42 , now 66 years old
Ralph Riach He was 61 , now 85 years old
Gregor Fisher He was 46 , now 70 years old
Tom Watson He was 33 , 34 years old when he died


Name Job title
Brotherly Love (24 years)


  • First Air Date: 2000-10-06
  • Runtime: [30] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 7