Celebracadabra 16 years old

Celebracadabra is an American reality television series on VH1 that premiered on April 27, 2008. The series involves celebrities attempting to learn and perform magic. Magician/actor Jonathan Levit serves as the host. On Thursday June 12, 2008 C. Thomas Howell was named Greatest Celebrity Magician.



Name Character
Lisa Ann Walter She was 44 , now 61 years old as Contestant
Hal Sparks He was 38 , now 55 years old
Christopher Reid He was 58 , now 75 years old
C. Thomas Howell He was 41 , now 57 years old
Ant He was 40 , now 57 years old


Name Job title
Celebracadabra poster
Celebracadabra (16 years)


  • First Air Date: 2008-04-27
  • Runtime: [60] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 9