David Tench Tonight 18 years old

David Tench Tonight was a short-lived television talk show created for Network Ten in Australia. The series featured David Tench, an animated fictional character, as host. The name "Tench" is a partial anagram created from the name Channel Ten. Tench conducted interviews with various "celebrities" including Pat Rafter, Nick Lachey, Ronn Moss, Nelly Furtado and Ella Hooper. The 2006 season finale was shown on 23 November 2006. A Christmas special aired on 25 December 2006 at 10:30pm. It was reported in The Daily Telegraph on 5 April 2007 that David Tench Tonight had been axed by Network Ten.



Name Character
Claudia Karvan She was 34 , now 52 years old
Nelly Furtado She was 27 , now 45 years old
Nick Lachey He was 32 , now 50 years old


Name Job title
David Tench Tonight (18 years)


  • First Air Date: 2006-08-17
  • Runtime: [30] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 5