Duet 37 years old


Duet is an American sitcom that aired on Fox from April 19, 1987 to August 20, 1989. The series stars Matthew Laurance as Ben Coleman, Mary Page Keller as Laura Kelly, Chris Lemmon as Richard Phillips, and Alison LaPlaca as Linda Phillips. The series was created by Ruth Bennett and Susan Seeger, and was produced by Paramount Television.



Name Character
Julius Carry He was 35 , 56 years old when he died
Larry Poindexter He was 27 , now 64 years old
Matthew Laurance He was 37 , now 74 years old
Mary Page Keller She was 26 , now 63 years old
Chris Lemmon He was 32 , now 70 years old
Arleen Sorkin She was 31 , now 68 years old
Jodi Thelen She was 24 , now 62 years old


Name Job title
Arlene Sanford Directing She was 37 , now 74 years old Director
Gabrielle Beaumont Directing She was 45 , now 82 years old Director
Dwayne Hickman Directing He was 52 , now 90 years old Director
Peter Baldwin Directing He was 56 , 86 years old when he died Director
Michael Zinberg Directing He was 43 , now 80 years old Director
Duet poster
Duet (37 years)


  • First Air Date: 1987-04-19
  • Runtime: [30] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 54