El Gordo: A True Story (El Gordo: Una historia verdadera) 14 years old

Based on real facts. A working class family going through a particularly bad patch wins one of the biggest lottery awards in history. Their life changes radically but not always for the better. A history about family, love, money and human existence.


Joaquín Climent
Joaquín Climent

Tío Paco

Oona Chaplin
Oona Chaplin


Álex Barahona
Álex Barahona

José Luis


Name Character
Joaquín Climent He was 51 , now 66 years old as Tío Paco
Oona Chaplin She was 23 , now 38 years old as Silvia
Álex Barahona He was 28 , now 42 years old as José Luis
Antonio Gil He was 45 , now 59 years old as Luis


Name Job title
El Gordo: A True Story poster
El Gordo: A True Story (14 years)


  • First Air Date: 2010-03-28
  • Runtime: [75] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 2