Encore! Encore! 26 years old

Encore! Encore! is an American sitcom starring Nathan Lane as an opera singer. On the verge of becoming "The Fourth Tenor", Lane's character injures his vocal cords and must move in with his family, who run a vineyard in Northern California. The series premiered on NBC on September 22, 1998. Encore! Encore! struggled in the ratings from the start. After its fourth episode aired on October 27, 1998, NBC put the series on hiatus for two months. Thirteen episodes were ordered but the series was cancelled at midseason with two episodes left unaired. The final network episode aired on January 20, 1999. All 13 episodes later ran on Bravo.



Name Character
Joan Plowright She was 68 , now 94 years old
Glenne Headly She was 43 , 62 years old when she died
Molly Price She was 31 , now 57 years old
Nathan Lane He was 42 , now 68 years old
Ernie Sabella He was 49 , now 75 years old
James Patrick Stuart He was 30 , now 56 years old


Name Job title
Encore! Encore! (26 years)


  • First Air Date: 1998-09-22
  • Runtime: [30] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 13