Feather Boy 20 years old

Robert Nobel is the butt of classroom jokes and a victim of Niker the classroom bully. He is haunted by dreams that seem to tell the future as well as the past. His life changes when a storyteller invites some of his class to Mayfield House, a place Robert has already dreamed about. There he meets a spiky old lady called Edith Sorrel who chooses him as her partner. He embarks on a series of events that will change their lives forever.


Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Thomas Brodie-Sangster

Robert Nobel

Sheila Hancock
Sheila Hancock

Edith Sorrel

Ronald Pickup
Ronald Pickup

Ernest Sorrel

Lindsey Coulson
Lindsey Coulson

Annie Nobel


Name Character
Aaron Taylor-Johnson He was 13 , now 34 years old as Niker
Thomas Brodie-Sangster He was 13 , now 34 years old as Robert Nobel
Sheila Hancock She was 71 , now 91 years old as Edith Sorrel
Ronald Pickup He was 63 , now 84 years old as Ernest Sorrel
Lindsey Coulson She was 44 , now 64 years old as Annie Nobel


Name Job title
Feather Boy poster
Feather Boy (20 years)


  • First Air Date: 2004-03-16
  • Runtime: [30] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 6