Girls Cruise 5 years old

Girls Cruise

Lil' Kim and her friends Chilli, Mya, Vena E., B. Simone, Tiffany Panhilason and Char Defrancesco set sail for the ultimate Caribbean vacation filled with hilarious antics, emotional breakthroughs and spicy romances.



Name Character
Mýa She was 40 , now 46 years old as Herself
Lil' Kim She was 45 , now 50 years old as Herself
Rozonda "Chilli" Thomas She was 48 , now 53 years old as Herself


Name Job title
Girls Cruise poster
Girls Cruise (5 years)

Returning Series

  • First Air Date: 2019-07-15
  • Runtime: [43] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 11