Girls v. Boys 21 years old

Girls v. Boys, also known as GVB, is an American reality series that has aired on The N from August 8, 2003 to October 7, 2005. GVB pits teams of adolescent boys and girls against each other in physical competitions. The series had four seasons: GVB: Tampa, GVB: Hawaii, GVB: Montana and GVB: Puerto Rico. It is produced by New York-based Dancing Toad Productions.



Name Character
Pooch Hall He was 26 , now 47 years old as Co-Host
Lauren Collins She was 16 , now 38 years old
Jake Epstein He was 16 , now 37 years old


Name Job title
Girls v. Boys (21 years)


  • First Air Date: 2003-08-08
  • Runtime: [30] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 37