Kong: The Animated Series 24 years old
Kong: The Animated Series is an American television series for children that follows King Kong, the monster of the 1933 film of the same name. Kong was created to compete with Godzilla: The Series, and first aired on BKN in 2000. In May 2001, Fox Kids began airing reruns of the first 13 episodes. Then, Jetix began airing reruns on September 9, 2005, as a prelude to the release of Peter Jackson's King Kong. Additionally, two direct-to-DVD movies based on the series were released: Kong: King of Atlantis in 2005 and Kong: Return to the Jungle in 2007.
Name | Character |
Kirby Morrow He was 27 , now 51 years old | |
David Kaye He was 35 , now 60 years old | |
Dale Wilson He was 47 , now 71 years old | |
Saffron Henderson She was 34 , now 59 years old | |
Philip Maurice Hayes | as Giles (voice) |
Ron Halder He was 47 , now 72 years old | |
Scott McNeil He was 37 , now 62 years old | |
Daphne Goldrick She was 70 , 82 years old when she died |
Name | Job title |
Christy Marx Writing She was 48 , now 73 years old | Writer |
Glenn Leopold Writing | Writer |
Kong: The Animated Series (24 years)
- First Air Date: 2000-09-09
- Runtime: [30,22] minutes
- Number of Episodes: 40