Meet the Browns 16 years old
Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns is an American sitcom created and produced by playwright, director, and producer Tyler Perry. The show revolves around a senior family living under one roof in Decatur, Georgia led by patriarch Mr. Brown and his daughter Cora Simmons. The show premiered on Wednesday, January 7, 2009 and finished its run on November 18, 2011 on TBS. It is made in the model of his play and film of the same name. The show stars David Mann and Tamela Mann, who starred in the earlier stage play and motion picture.
Name | Character |
Jeannette Sousa | |
David Mann He was 68 , 64 years old when he died | |
Logan Browning She was 19 , now 35 years old | |
Terri J. Vaughn She was 39 , now 55 years old | |
Denise Boutte She was 26 , now 43 years old | |
K Callan She was 66 , now 83 years old | |
Brian Bremer | |
LaVan Davis He was 42 , now 58 years old | |
Tamela Mann She was 42 , now 58 years old | |
Juanita Jennings She was 69 , now 85 years old | |
Cameron Arnett He was 48 , now 64 years old |
Name | Job title |
Meet the Browns (16 years)
- First Air Date: 2009-01-07
- Runtime: [30,22] minutes
- Number of Episodes: 139