My Hero 24 years old
My Hero is a BBC sitcom created by Paul Mendelson. The programme ran for six series, first broadcast in February 2000, and concluding in September 2006. The series follows the antics of the dim-witted superhero "Thermoman", portrayed by Ardal O'Hanlon in series one to five and by James Dreyfus in the final series. The series was regularly directed by John Stroud. In the UK, the digital channel Gold regularly re-runs the programme, although the last series has yet to appear on the channel. In the United States it was shown on PBS and, briefly, BBC America. In Australia, UKTV offered re-runs of the first three series, while BBC Entertainment provided repeats for Scandinavia.
Name | Character |
James Dreyfus He was 31 , now 56 years old | |
Lill Roughley She was 51 , now 76 years old | |
Lou Hirsch He was 44 , now 69 years old | |
Hugh Dennis He was 37 , now 62 years old | as Dr. Piers Crispin |
Emily Joyce She was 30 , now 55 years old | |
Ardal O'Hanlon He was 34 , now 59 years old | |
Philip Whitchurch He was 49 , now 73 years old |
Name | Job title |
My Hero (24 years)
- First Air Date: 2000-02-04
- Runtime: [30,28] minutes
- Number of Episodes: 50