Naked Josh 20 years old

Naked Josh was a Canadian television series broadcast on Showcase. The show starred David Julian Hirsh as Josh Gould, a university professor in Montreal who, although he teaches a sexual anthropology course, struggles to understand the ever-shifting rules and expectations of the dating scene. It premiered in the 2004-2005 television season with eight half hour episodes. It aired for a total of three seasons, however the last episode aired on July 18, 2006, and Showcase has announced that the show will not be renewed. The show's first season briefly appeared on the Oxygen Network in the U.S.



Name Character
Andrew Tarbet He was 33 , now 53 years old
David Julian Hirsh He was 30 , now 50 years old
Sarah Smyth She was 21 , now 42 years old


Name Job title
Jacques Blain Production He was 56 , now 77 years old Executive Producer
Richard Speer Production Executive Producer
Josée Vallée Production She was 51 , now 71 years old Producer
Naked Josh poster
Naked Josh (20 years)


  • First Air Date: 2004-06-15
  • Runtime: [30] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 26