Newlyweds 31 years old

Newlyweds was an Australian sitcom Newlyweds was about a young couple embarking on the perils of married life. Allie is everyone's dream of a young wife: practical, patient, attractive. Peter is the typical young bloke: sporty, easy-going and a bit of a larrikin. Little does the couple realise what lies in wait for them in married life. Their dream of a cosy life of domestic bliss is constantly interrupted by their families and friends.



Name Character
Sandie Lillingston She was 24 , now 56 years old
Denis Moore He was 82 , 93 years old when he died
Sandy Gore She was 42 , now 74 years old


Name Job title
Newlyweds poster
Newlyweds (31 years)


  • First Air Date: 1993-02-10
  • Runtime: [30,25] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 52