Oh Happy Band! 44 years old

Oh Happy Band! is a situation comedy written by David Croft and Jeremy Lloyd. The series ran for six episodes in 1980 on BBC 1, and featured the last screen appearance of comedian Harry Worth. For musical sequences, the series featured the Aldershot Brass Ensemble. Since broadcast, the series has not been repeated or released on any home consumer media.



Name Character
John Horsley He was 60 , 93 years old when he died
Harold Bennett He was 80 , 81 years old when he died
Jonathan Cecil He was 41 , 72 years old when he died
Jan Holden She was 49 , 74 years old when she died


Name Job title
Oh Happy Band! (44 years)


  • First Air Date: 1980-09-03
  • Runtime: [30] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 6