Paradise Falls 23 years old

Paradise Falls was a weekly soap opera shown nationally on the Showcase channel in Canada, starting in 2001. It is set in a summer cottage community in Central Ontario. Like many major US soaps, sex is a dominant part of the storylines. However, it shows much more of this than would be allowed by censors on mainstream broadcast networks. The show's open approach to sexual and homosexual themes caused reruns of the show to be carried on the American Here! channel, which targets gay and lesbian viewers. Like the soap Passions, murder and a little witchcraft are included in the mix of themes. Unlike the typical soap opera, the series was shot entirely on location on Sparrow Lake in Muskoka and Whitevale, Ontario, to give the show an authentic looking background. It was produced entirely in digital format, to reduce production costs, and allow for easier editing when adapted for foreign markets. The show's production company is Breakthrough Entertainment. The production schedule has been somewhat unorthodox and unpredictable for viewers. Originally 52 episodes were shot in a batch in 2001, then aired on Showcase. Then, new shows stopped appearing until 2004, leaving many to think the show was cancelled. A new batch of 26 episodes began to be aired in the fall of 2004. The show was recently renewed and shooting began on July 9, 2007 and ended on October 11, 2007. The 26 episodes started airing on April 11, 2008 on Here! and aired from September 2, 2009 on Showcase. The third season seems to be its last.



Name Character
Martin Roach He was 38 , now 62 years old
Jim Thorburn
Art Hindle He was 52 , now 76 years old
Kim Poirier She was 21 , now 44 years old
Salvatore Antonio He was 25 , now 48 years old
Chantal Quesnel She was 30 , now 53 years old
Frank Pellegrino He was 57 , 72 years old when he died
Michelle Latimer She was 100 , now 123 years old
Danielle Hampton She was 22 , now 46 years old
Victoria Snow She was 51 , now 74 years old
Debra McGrath She was 46 , now 70 years old


Name Job title
Paradise Falls (23 years)


  • First Air Date: 2001-06-25
  • Runtime: [30] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 77